Sissy Perlinger Presents a New Live Show in English:
Comedy Satsang and Comedy Sat-songs!
In her first live musical performance in English, Sissi brings her many years of award winning success in film, television and live stand–up, to this dynamic and interactive ‘spiritual comedy’ show.
Clever and insightful lyrics are delivered with her 3½ octaves of astonishing vocal power, set over uplifting and irresistibly danceable rootsy grooves. In her formidable one-woman-band set up – guitar in hand, bass drum and hi hat driving a solid beat with her feet, Sissi takes us on a voyage through a ‘perfect day’, set across twelve original songs and all interspersed with her best ‘tricks, tips and spiritual life-hacks’ for the 21st Century.
The show is a celebration of fun, laughter and creative power. An exhilarating and inspiring observation on modern life, designed to leave you enchanted, energised and ready to face the world renewed, restored and reinvigorated!
Sissi performs ‘Comedy Satsang’ as a solo act (for the uninitiated, ‘Satsang’ is an ancient Sanskrit word that translates as ‘in the company of truth and describes the time when Guru’s and Masters sit to answer their disciples questions).
She also performs the show as ‘Comedy Sat-Songs” with a full live band, focusing on more songs, music and general audience ‘party-icipation’!
Whatever your age, gender or cultural persuasions, if you come with an open mind you will definitely leave with an open heart!
‘German Comedy’, long held as one of the great oxymorons of our time, has now finally and most emphatically been disproved. Sissi Perlinger, is living proof that Germans can be and often are, very funny indeed.