Sissy Perlinger – Biography
“A chanteuse for the 21st Century”, Sissi Perlinger brings a contemporary spark to what is so often missing in today’s world of live performance. She is a real entertainer, with the skills and talents to back up a tenacity and intimacy that leaves her audience reminded of what a true artist can and should be.
Classically trained in voice, dance and acting, almost a decade of study saw her win places in the highest schools of learning, from Munich, Paris and Vienna, to the hallowed boards of New York and Los Angeles. Not satisfied to just play guitar in order to accompany her own songs, Sissi is also an accomplished percussionist and has mastered the art of playing guitar, bass drum and hi hat while singing!
As an extremely innovative costume designer and comedy writer, Sissi has created her own ‘one-woman-shows’, which she has toured and performed since 1986. Full of style and multi-faceted imagination, her show combined fantasy creatures with razor sharp political satire, music and choreografy.
Her pedigree in the world of entertainment is also grounded in a screen career that has seen her win roles in over thirty feature films, including starring alongside the comedian Eddie Izzard, Friend’s Matt LeBlanc and Sir Edward Fox in the 2001 comedy drama ‘All The Queen’s Men’.
Her lead screen roles have seen her receive “The Gold Grimme Award” and the german ‘Academy Award’ for best actress of the year.
She also hosted her own TV Shows including ‘Schräge Vögel’ for ZDF in 1992 and ‘The Sissy Perlinger Show’ for ARD Channel.
The five gold Cd’s on her office wall attest to an ongoing and varied career, that even extends to voice overs including the much loved Fairy, Princess Lillifee in a popular animated series which was voiced in the English version by Kim Wilde.
Her talents also offered her the opportunity to guest star on two tours as a singer and dancer in Peter Maffai’s ‘Tabagula’, a major German Stage Rock Musical.
As a published and prolific author since 1992, Sissi has written several books including ‘Out- The Perlinger Way To Happiness’ Published by Random House and ‘Stay Young’, an Ullstein Verlag publication.
Now, for the first time in English, she has written and currently performs ‘Comedy Satsang’ - an interactive and enlightening show, bringing spiritual ‘edutainment’ to a new international audience. She did her first Ecstatic Dance Live Show on 16.of Feb 23
Check it out on “English Live Show”